
Bible Fellowship Outreach Orphange


The Bible Fellowship Outreach Orphange is located in Mt. Hagen run by "Aunty Rosa". It started when Aunty Rosa saw a child one day wandering down the street. There was a woman further ahead. Aunty Rosa assumed the child was hers. She picked him up and caught up to the other woman. “No, he’s not mine. I have been doing the best I can to try and look out for him, but I’m dying too.” Aunty Rosa took the child home and adopted him. They then adopted each other and thus began the humbling beginnings of BFO Orphanage. (Source)


Currently the orphanage has about 135 kids. At present, they do not have a place to live. Many of the orphans live on the streets and depend on the orphanage for food, clothes, medicine, and school fees.

You Contributed

In October 2013, as a result of funds you raised in our 2013 Bung in Los Angeles, California through wantoks Lucy I. and Theoclah, we presented a check for K1000 to the orphanage. Through your help, we have blessed the lives of these children. Thank you!

Project Status: Completed

Aunty Rosa's special words to you:
"Please pass our love and thanks to the Wantoks in America... mipla hamamas olsem yupla bin lusim ples tasol yupla ino lustintin lo ples na mipla.
(We are so happy that although you have left Papua New Guinea, you did not forget us)"